3 Little Reminders
With you in mind
#1 Set realistic goals
It can be very easy to say what we want to do but not that easy to set about doing it. Setting realistic goals, however, puts the goal in perspective- making it more manageable. When setting these goals, ensure you also know how you are going to do this; if you need to, research and find the best way you can do this. And don’t just take a big step- take a few smaller ones to equate to a much larger one.
For example, you want to start doing yoga, which is great but don’t jump into the deep end and say you will do an hour everyday, when you have never done it before. In lieu, pick a time when you will try it for 10 minutes or so and see how it goes. Do you enjoy it? Is it worth carrying on? If no, then don’t pursue something you don’t enjoy, as you’ll be less bothered to do it; you can always find something else. But if yes, carry on- increase the time and frequency. You don’t have to do it daily- but try and imbed it into a pattern- so you can get used to it.
#2 Eat healthy and drink plenty
We all need to eat healthy and keep on top of our fluid intake because when we do, our performance, mood, well-being and health are generally better. If you struggle with this, try to at least buy/make one healthy meal every day(with plenty of fruit and veg)- you may find that your body will become naturally more inclined to healthier food, as they offer many nutrients and vitamins, as well as influencing our hormones. With fluid, opt for water or drinks with minimal sugar and additives. We ought to aim for about two litres (dependable on other factors too) but sometimes we can be well below this. Try investing in a ‘motivational’ water bottle, in which you can see your progress and how much you are drinking. As you drink more and more, you will be less hungry and dehydrated- which keeps many of our common problems (including tiredness and dry skin) at bay.
#3 Take time out for yourself
In our lives, filled with event after event, it can seem like this is something that can’t be done- but it is not impossible. In fact, you can take out time for yourself every single day. The best way to do this is to find a time that suits you- be that in the morning, after lunch or before bed- or whenever you like. Use this time to do things you enjoy, to wind down, to breathe. Self-care is very essential to our lives- which are worth living in- so ensure you take time to appreciate your life, your body and yourself- who looks after you. When we take time out for ourselves and to do some self-care and something we love, we are reminding ourselves to love ourselves and this is key, in a life where we may forget that. Taking time out for ourselves ought to be part of our daily regime, in which we look forward to.
Bonus reminder: you are loved x