Harry Potter #6 Book Review
“Age is foolish and forgetful when it underestimates youth.”
*Spoilers Ahead*
Book six in the series was a wild one, to say the least, and was filled with betrayals and seeped in darkness.
We had the introduction of Slughorn- who has had me doubtful of his loyalties and I’m still unsure whether he is the good kind of wizard but we shall see.
I really loved the potion book Harry had that was previously owned by the mysterious Half-Blood Prince. Despite Ron and Hermione being dubious about Harry using the book, I was all for it- maybe because it was an annotated book. And a little risk can be worth it.
The relationships developed and took some turns in this one. At least I was spared from Harry and Cho’s squabbling, which ended in the previous book, much to my liking.
But that ending. But if only I hadn’t received spoilers because that betrayal on Snape’s part would have been all the more upsetting and drastic- I was just starting to like him too but I am excited to learn of his motives for doing what he has done in the last book.
The death of Dumbledore was sudden and Rowling seems determined to break us with all these deaths. Sirius was enough. But she did not think so. I would have thought Dumbledore would have died by natural means but Snape’s involvement made it even more painful. And with the next book set to be the last in the series, I’m sure this is just the start of it.
The penultimate book in the series currently stands as my second favourite and ends in a thrilling, yet sombre spirit. Which only means one thing: time to finish my peregrination in the wizarding world with the final instalment.
Thanks to:
Dovey ♡