Palestine: Our Qalb

Ruqayyah Ali
6 min readNov 13, 2023


Created by my sister

One that continues to beat

The longest pain I have known is the pain of my Palestinians.

Sometimes, I find it hard to breathe.

Other times, I forget the last time I took a whole breath.

But some time soon, we will all be free.

And the truth will be for all to see.

For as long as I can remember, I knew of the phrase ‘Free Palestine’ but it took years later to truly understand the weight of it. After all, how does a child of four know what evil is? How can a soul untainted by the world grasp truly what this suffering is?

But for Palestinians, this is all they have known.



But also knowledge.

God is with them and will not leave them.

The highest ranks of Jannah await these soldiers for their immense bravery, patience and faith.

We must remember that death is not the end and everyone will be given fair judgement.

We must remember our beautiful land of Palestine and never forget because forgetfulness breeds ignorance.

And as a reminder, I wish to share some photos of our sacred land.

The following photos you will see were taken in Palestine and Jordan, in the Summer of 2013 by my father.

That was a decade ago.

The year after, in 2014, we would not be able to go, for our cancelled flights were in response to the attacks upon my land by the oppressors.

But my heart still resides there. As does so much of our history.

Prophet Shuaeb (Peace and Blessings Upon Him and every Prophet)’s Mosque and Shrine
Peace and Blessings Upon Every Prophet Allah Has Gifted Us With
In Jordan
Al-Aqsa At Night
During the day
May we all be able to visit such a place again. Ameen

They said the old would die and the young would forget.

But they only told half a truth and even then, barely.

Because while we do die, our souls are not dead.

And we have not forgotten. We never will.

2014- We were in Türkiye and armed soldiers saw this very top my father wore. Little-me worried but they commented and smiled upon it.
2023- A five-year-old’s drawing of the Palestinian Flag
2023- London Protest- With an estimated 2 million people

Palestine will be free one day.

Oh, Allah, the most high. You know what lies in my heart and my desire for peace. Thank you for everything you have blessed us with and have mercy on us all. Please alleviate the plight of our brothers and sisters and allow them the highest ranks in Jannah. And I ask you, Allah, and you alone to please allow the world to see the truth. Ameen.



Ruqayyah Ali

Writer | Bookworm | Editor | Learner | Free Palestine | Writing's your voice, reading's your choice | 'For indeed, with hardship [will be] ease.'~ Qur'an 94:5