Regrets of Life- Part 1

Ruqayyah Ali
2 min readMay 15, 2022
Photo by Melissa Askew on Unsplash

People anonymously shared their regrets; maybe you can learn from and avoid them.

Not preparing earlier

Be that for a test, opportunity or big life event; this was one of the most common regrets and proves that a little prep can go a long way. Sometimes, nothing proves an incentive to prepare, in this case, try to write down a plan, so it is physically in front of you and drives you more- or get someone to join you, who may need to prepare as well, so you can encourage each other.

Not speaking about feelings and emotions

This was also something people regretted but I also feel like this is something people struggle to do as well, as it can be difficult to open up and bottling emotions sometimes seems like the easier route but in truth, it is more damaging. Finding the right person, who you can trust to talk to is essential and being truthful with them can be very meditative. Talking about your problems, feelings and everything in between means you don’t have to struggle or carry the burden alone. Because no matter how dark or lonely it may feel, you are not alone- there is someone there for you- it may not seem obvious at first but sometimes we just have to look a little closer.

Spending time with the wrong people

My mother always tells me to surround myself with good people and I think this is salient in forming lasting friendships and for a healthy lifestyle, where the people you choose to spend your time with make you feel happy and grateful. Spending or (‘wasting’ as they put it) time with the wrong people, who have a toxic influence on you, is not healthy and can cause a plethora of problems- which you don’t deserve. If you don’t feel comfortable with the people you are with, rethink why you remain with them and seek out the most suitable arrangement to no longer spend time with them. You may find that you feel more free, away from pretense and more confident within yourself.

Missed opportunities

Most of my personal regrets are rooted in not grasping at opportunities or missing them- this may be due to thinking it may not work out but I have learned to view promising opportunities with open arms because even if it doesn’t go well, you can always learn from it and use this knowledge for another. And if it goes well, there is little regret.

Some amazing people and writers, where my only regret was not knowing you sooner!

Sophia Joffrin



Alyshah M

Filza Chaudhry

Nick Wignall

Thank you to everyone who shared their regrets, so others could benefit from them too.



Ruqayyah Ali

Writer | Bookworm | Editor | Polymath | Free Palestine | Writing's your voice, reading's your choice | 'For indeed, with hardship [will be] ease.'~ Qur'an 94:5