4 (+1) Practices You Must Implement If You Care About Your Life

Ruqayyah Ali
8 min readJun 24, 2024
Photo by Daniele Levis Pelusi on Unsplash

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~ I am obliged to state that I am no health-care professional according to any health board. ~

Now, this article could be titled with one of the below options and still be correct:

- How To Actually Lose Weight

- How To Defeat Depression- or any other mental health problem for that matter

- What One Needs To Live A Healthy Life

The list goes on but the search for the answers does not. They are right here.

In truth, good health and wellness is achieved when you work on these four (+1) aspects:

What You Eat

We all know we need to eat healthy but what does that mean? Well, for one, it does not mean to starve yourself or just eat lettuce. No, it’s so much more. You have to have balance and variety but most importantly, you have to eat. Eat food that is full of nutrients and vitamins (just make sure to get all the vitals from natural sources first, do not rely on supplements). Food such as the obvious fruits and vegetables but also the non-obvious, like green, leafy vegetables. Fish, lentils, eggs, beans and honey. Rye and milk and nuts. Eat a little cake too.



Ruqayyah Ali

Writer | Bookworm | Editor | Polymath | Free Palestine | Writing's your voice, reading's your choice | 'For indeed, with hardship [will be] ease.'~ Qur'an 94:5